
The First Step is Scary ... And Necessary

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.

- Walt Disney

Change is scary. Even as I sit here writing my first blog for this website, I’m scared. Not about the actual writing process (though your reaction to my writing is another story) but about something much bigger.

I have changed careers.

Becoming a professional organizer is something I’ve been excited about doing for a long time. I’ve loved organizing ever since I was a kid; I loved arranging the toys in my closet and, when my parents let me, cleaning out and redoing the kitchen pantry. I never thought that this lifelong passion could become a career, but life has a way of taking you where you least expect it. (See 2020 for more information.)

I’ve been blessed to have two unique and enjoyable chapters in my professional life. The first chapter involved 12 years working as a writer and editor for every publication here in the Lehigh Valley. I then pivoted toward what I felt was a more meaningful career: I raised money and awareness for several amazing nonprofit organizations across the Lehigh Valley over a 15-year span.

Being a professional fund raiser is rewarding – and incredibly stressful. The “what-have-you-done-for-me-lately” nature of fund raising took its toll on me physically and mentally, and my family helped me to recognize the need for a change. The best job I have (and will ever have) is being Dad to my two incredibly talented, intelligent, creative and beautiful teen-age girls, Katie and Allie. (Heart, meet sleeve.) I’ve told them since the day they could understand me to follow their passions; it was time for me to do the same.

After much soul-searching, I left the nonprofit world and started this business (Tom’s Organizing Made Simple – total namedrop). And here we are.

We all make choices in life that impact our paths. For me, making the choice to change careers – not one, but twice – was scary. Taking the first of many steps to make that change a reality was hard for sure, but it was so worth it.

For you, you’re considering a change in how you organize yourself and your things (you are reading this blog after all). Good for you, and you should be proud of yourself for recognizing your desire for change. (I’m a big believer in positivity and in giving yourself positive reinforcement.)

Where you go from here is up to you. You can choose to act on your goal to become better organized by hiring a professional organizer. Or you can choose to wait until the proverbial “tomorrow,” like a bad New Year’s resolution. The latter is easier for sure – but here’s what’s likely to happen: nothing. Nothing good, that is. The clutter will grow, and so will your frustration.

However, consider the possibilities if you invest in yourself by taking the bold step of acting on your intent to organize. (Here’s a helpful tip: check out the FAQ page about working with a professional organizer like me or a peer – but hopefully me!)

  • Your plan, with support, begins to become reality;

  • Clutter disappears;

  • More ideas start flowing (e.g., how to maximize space even better);

  • A completed project!

  • The opportunity to tackle other projects you’ve been yearning to do. 

 Plus, with that finished project comes the pride and satisfaction in knowing you took action. Your happiness levels soar, and you’ll enjoy the peace of mind that comes with living clutter-free space.

Take the first step. You’ll be so glad you did.